Here We Go

This week…the week of New Year’s resolutions, packed gyms, detoxing from sugar and alcohol. The excesses of the holiday season are revealed through expanded waistlines and a bleary-eyed return to work or a sinking kind of ho-hum-ness. Back to the routines of our lives. Oh what a week!

We can keep this limited view and trudge back into our world in a harrumph sort of way, or we can make a shift. Shift happens first in the way we think about our life…not necessarily what it looks like from the outside.  Developing a keen awareness and then refining our thoughts is the way to prepare for a different kind of year.

Keen awareness starts with the willingness to look at the stories we create in our mind and ask the questions…Is the story true, is there evidence it is true…or is it simply made up? We tend to make up stories, usually the story with the worst outcome…or we fill in the gaps about what we don’t know with our own version and then call it true. Be honest with yourself. If the story isn’t really true…well, what could be true?

Now here is where the refining takes place. Answer the question…What do you know for sure?  Think of the one thing, the one positive thing that you know for sure. Knowing that…what do you think is possible? Opening your mind up to what is possible is the best preparation for a different kind of year.

Much, much love

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