In my last blog, I talked about holding space for others when they are in pain. And then I started thinking about what it would be like to hold space for our very own self when we are in pain. If it is important to offer this ‘holding space’ for others, it must be just as important to offer it to ourselves. What would it look like and feel like?
I decided holding space for your own self is really about self love.
Holding this space means radical self acceptance…it means deep and genuine caring…it means staying on your own path, for you. Not to do this at the expense of others, but in order to know wholeness and to experience deep joy.
You deserve to know wholeness and to experience deep joy. Please read that again. I believe it’s really why we are here. We don’t have to wait until everything is lined up in a certain way, until we have all of our ducks in a row, enough of this or that. Even in our deepest pain we might give our self an opening.
If we dare to hold space, if we dare to extend love to our very own self through radical acceptance and genuine caring, if we dare stay on our own path even after others have fallen away, we will surely know what it means to be fully alive. What more could we possibly want?

With great love
One Response
Love…love….love…. Thank you. Now as I use this idea of self-love I will myself to exercise & move-for my best results- in spite of lots of whole body joint pain! I know that this practice of movement is my best way to love myself right now…