Holy Purpose

Are you living your purpose? ‘What?’, you say. ‘I don’t even know my purpose. I’ve never really found it. I’m not sure what to do. I’ve looked for it. I’ve taken classes and read books. And I do yoga. That should count for something, right? Maybe I don’t have a purpose.’

Hold on. Slow down. We get confused about purpose because we think it needs to be this one big thing we have to live for our entire life and it has to be big and important and something others notice. Like Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela or Jane Goodall. Well, it might be, but not always.

When considering our purpose we confuse doing with being. We confuse accomplishing something with being alive in the moment. You see, we’ve got it backwards. We don’t find our purpose by frantically searching or trying to figure it out. We become aware of our purpose and the longing of our soul by being fully present in each exquisite moment.

And consider this…being fully alive in each moment of life, awake and conscious, curious and aware, tenderly in awe of all of creation IS living our purpose. It is living what we are created to be in each moment. How could anything be more important than that?

I invite you to pay attention to your own life. Pay attention to your level of aliveness in daily moments. Bring to that moment the best of you. In this way you will live your holy purpose.

All is well

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