Hot, hot, hot!!!

It’s really hot and humid in Wilmington, NC in August. Soooo hot! Most of us just stay inside, in the air conditioning, as much as possible. We walk from the house or apartment to the car and get the AC blasting as soon as possible. To work, the grocery store, shopping, appointments…whew…back into the cool before we break a sweat.

And while we are negotiating our day we comment on the weather…to the clerk, co-worker, friends, on Facebook. Maybe even in every conversation. I visited a construction site for one of my projects yesterday and as my entire body started to get damp from the humidity, I was sure to remind the guys installing the windows to drink lots of water and take breaks to stay safe in this awful heat. I’m not so sure they needed a reminder!

Here’s my point. We pay a lot of attention to this weather and the way it makes us feel. We avoid the discomfort as much as possible. We complain and carry on and on about the heat and humidity. It appears in many conversations. Why do we spend so much time stirring this pot? Does it help at all to allow our attention to be consumed by…the weather?

I say no, it doesn’t make a bit of sense. The weather is the weather. It happens every year, in August, in Wilmington. I have decided that this is another call to practice being at ease with what I can’t change. And, to not let discomfort steal my joy. That’s it.

I’m getting better. But, I still have some work to do. Next on the list: mosquitoes.

Much love always

One thought on “Hot, hot, hot!!!

  1. Cliff H Birtwistle

    Can’t change it, let it go;
    If you can, with courage, do it
    and enjoy the peace of knowing the difference.


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