How to Live

It’s not who you knew.

And it’s not what you did.

It’s how you live.

How You Live, Point of Grace

Sometimes we get wrapped up in the world of what to do next…especially in this season of Christmas. We schedule our lives…every moment of our ‘free time’ is set to a purpose. And we run from one thing to the next calling it a success to get everything done…only until we remember that there is one more thing to do.

This endless doing is a stumbling block to true living…to living with a conscious presence to what we bring to life. We can make a shift by asking ourselves a different question. Instead of asking “What else do I need to do?” we can ask “How do I want to be?” in this moment in my life. It really doesn’t mater which moment you choose to begin. It matters that you bring this awareness into every moment of your life.

How do I want to be when I wake up in the morning, when I take the kids to school or when I take the dog for a walk? How do I want to be at work, driving my car, shopping for groceries or with my family? How do I want to be when someone needs a hand or when I see another in pain? How do you want to BE in your life? How do you want to show up?

The how I am talking about has to do with the emotion and attitude we bring to life. It is the feeling behind any action that speaks louder that any word or action. Eric Butterworth says it this way…Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear a word you’re saying.

Really…it’s not who you know, it’s not what you’ve done…it’s how you live that matters most. Live well, live out loud…be the best you can be.

Peace always




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