How We Communicate Matters

The biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.

Okay, be honest. Did you think about how other people communicate this way, that they never really listen to you? Or did you think about how you communicate in this way…listening only enough to craft a reply?

We all want to be heard. We want what we say to count for something. We want to share our perspective and ideas. We want to make a difference with our words. And maybe too often we want to convince others that the way we think is the ‘right’ way.

But how often do we actually listen? I mean really listen…as in listen to understand, not to respond? Do you listen and really hear what the other person is saying and feel what they are feeling…or are you just waiting for a break in the conversation so that you can tell your side of the story?

If you want to be heard, and we all do, the first step is to offer the gift of truly listening to others. When you do, you will notice yourself becoming more at ease, compassionate and understanding because you will ‘hear’ beyond the words, beyond the opinion, to the heart of the matter. If you are willing to really listen, you will be able to see others in their humanness and find that you are more the same than you are different.

You see, beyond being heard we all have the desire for the same things. We want to be loved and cared for, we want to feel safe, we want to have enough, we want to be free to choose and we want the world to be a better place for the next generations.

Listen, ‘hear’ beyond the words, notice our sameness…reply from there.

All is well,

One Response

  1. Dear Paula,
    You are so right. I needed this reminder. Thank You!.


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