I Am Enough

We expect a lot out of life. We expect to be treated fairly, to be heard, to be respected. We expect to be rewarded for our effort and to be given a chance when we think we deserve it. We expect to be understood and accepted. You can add to this list I am sure.

Why do we expect all of this from people we know and love, and from total strangers as well? From governments and leaders, coworkers and grocery store clerks? Who ever promised that everyone would always meet your expectations? Well, that would be nobody. There is no such promise.

We are wise to accept that our expectations will not always be met. It’s simply the truth. We can acknowledge that right up front. It’s actually quite freeing to admit. It’s like saying, “Hey, things will not always turn out the way I think they should.” And the essential follow-up, “And that’s okay.”

“And that’s okay” means this: I don’t have to depend on how others treat me or what they think about me. I can be satisfied with my own self. I can know that I’m doing and being my best. I can know that I am kind and fierce and passionate. I can decide that where I am today is enough.

It is a stinging feeling to be treated disrespectfully and unfairly. Not getting that chance feels deflating. To be misunderstood or not understood at all can feel lonely. It doesn’t mean you are not enough or not important.

These feelings of ‘less than’ can be a call to reach into your own self and know that you are not any of that. Feel the feeling…and then know that you are not that. Take a deep breath and know that you are enough. Now, go from there.

I am enough.
Much love

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