I Decided to Trust

I had a conversation with another minister yesterday afternoon. We both shared how we made conscious decisions about how much news we read and how much we engage in social media. It has kept us both on more solid ground…less likely to become irritated or frustrated. At the same time, we both admitted there is a pull happening in us. A discomfort or unease reminding us to not let our desire for personal peace isolate us from our work in the world.

I don’t know exactly what my work looks like. And I don’t have to know, exactly. What’s most important for me right now is to trust. Trust that wisdom resides in me and I will know when I know. In the meantime, my work is personal. It is to remain an open channel, releasing and letting go of anything that prevents the flow of God through me.

This calls me again and again to my spiritual practices. Always there is meditation. Also, there are the practices of kindness, humility, curiosity, empathy, patience, and stillness. And there is the practice of pausing and taking a deep breath.

I’ve decided to trust that the Divine will lead me. I don’t have to figure it out right now. I’ll know my work in the world. Just stay awake and keep practicing.


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