
A few days ago I was reminded of my imperfection…my human imperfection. I thought I had done something well, by that I mean perfectly. Turns out…not so, grasshopper. I missed something, a pretty big thing. Not a serious, world ending thing mind you…but an important thing nonetheless.

So how long do I beat myself up for that one? How long do I hold myself accountable for perfection? Actually, for this one, about twelve hours. Twelve hours to forgive myself for not being perfect.

You know, it’s the old falling down and getting back up again. Brushing off the dirt and starting again. I will make mistakes and fall short of my own expectations. I am an imperfect human. Carrying “perfect” as an ideal is just too heavy, exhausting and unreasonable. It is the cause of tension and disease in me. It blocks my humility and stifles grace.

I am learning to set aside perfection…in myself and in others. I’m replacing it with: We’re all doing the best we can. Including me.

Still learning
Much love

3 thoughts on “Imperfect

  1. Elizabeth H Freeman

    Such a good message for those of us who use the idea of perfection as a means to torture ourselves. Thank you for reminding me.💌


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