
Sometimes we get caught up in the world. Caught up in judgment, blame, lack, frustration. We forget the wisdom in this quote from Anaïs Nin: “We see the world not as it is, but as we are.”

Spiritual work is rightly focused inward. It begins with conscious awareness of self…of our beliefs and stories. Once we have awareness, then we can choose to adjust the lens and shift our perception. The world may seem the same but the adjustment changes us…and our experience is different. And eventually, the world is different, too. That’s the way it works.

This question came up for me during meditation this week: What is our responsibility as human beings? Not what do we deserve, how much can we take, not even how much can we give…but what is my responsibility as a human being, in this world, at this time?

Have you ever thought about it? Ever? My responsibility as a living, breathing pulse of life? What is my responsibility to myself, to those around me and to the world? This is spiritual work. It requires awareness and quite possibly a shift. If I am consistent and brave enough, my own work just might result in a world that looks different, a world that becomes more gentle and kind.

With great love

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