It Happens All the Time

First, read this. It will only take a minute.

Stuff like this happens all the time. We don’t look for it so we miss it. We get sucked in by the headlines and everything that is going wrong with our country and the world. And then we walk around with a gloom and doom attitude, or mad at the world, wondering what’s wrong with humanity.

Well, the large part of humanity is out there doing their part to make things better. Are you looking for it? Really, you’ve got to look for it. There is enough distraction out there to cover it over. Don’t let it. Search out the good if that’s what you have to do. Know that it’s there and just practice uncovering it.

Here’s the thing…by noticing the good you will be changed. You will be inspired to elevate your own good-ness. Do you think maybe someone else at that hockey game was inspired by the action of one generous and loving individual? Are you?

There is no small act of kindness…it all matters.

Much love

One thought on “It Happens All the Time

  1. beverly perry

    Thanks Paula,

    I always need the reminder to look for the good, I’m usually on track with the good.

    Got to stop listening and watching the news! There is so much good news out there, I need to
    change my focus.
    My younger brother, Tom, has bladder cancer, and was getting ready for chemo. I got a call last
    night from my older brother Bob, and Tom’s daughter. He is in the hospital with renal failure, currently
    on dialysis.
    Sorry I got off track, my heart is heavy with sadness, I need a good cry. I’ll welcome it when it comes.
    Hold my brother Tom and family in prayers.

    Thanks for being there for me.
    Love, Beverly


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