It Takes Time

“Life takes time to live. It takes time to unfold its more lasting truths.” Mark Nepo, The Exquisite Risk

Sometimes, some of us can simply not bear the wait. We would prefer that what might happen would just go ahead and happen…or that life would straighten out already so that we knew with some certainty how it was going to look. When will life smooth out?

We can experience discomfort in ‘not knowing’…of being uncertain about how life might unfold. Does it have to be this way? Do we have to accept discomfort as the price for not knowing? Maybe not!

What about if ‘not knowing’ meant that we were simply living in the chaos that preceded the next greatest possibility for our life? And in this chaos a great truth would unfold that would completely change our way of being. I think Mark is takes time to live. We can’t always be speeding through and expect to know the richness of living and the possibilities for our life. It takes time in the ‘not knowing’ to birth a new ‘known’.

So what do we do in the ‘not knowing’…well, we slow down, we rest, we stop twisting and turning and making up stories. We turn our attention inside and we give our self time to grow spiritually. We stop worrying, bargaining, doubting and trying to control. We breathe and release our attachment to it having to be our way now.

If we can go to this place, I believe we have the chance to know something about our self or life or others that we could not have known otherwise. We have the chance to see the treasure of the moment…and feel the possibility and freedom in a new truth.

It takes time..and that is okay.

Peace always


3 Responses

  1. “The treasure of the moment” . It’s all there is. It is a gift to know the truth of this.

  2. I keep getting reminders to treasure THIS moment. Thank you Paula for sharing your light.


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