Joy to the World!

Joy to the World , the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing. Isaac Watts (1674-1748).

This Christmas Carol written in 1719 speaks a great Truth in our time. It reminds us of our innate nature…JOY! Joy to the world, the entire universe, to all living things! Joy…the deep feeling of unlimited potential coming from the Lord of our being…the creative power in us. Joy comes from our knowing the Truth about the way life works…from the inside to the outside. Joy emanates from the deep understanding that all things are possible, that we live in an abundant universe, that we are spiritual beings guided and supported by God. When we open our hearts, when we prepare room in our hearts to receive this wisdom…we can experience this joy. And nothing outside of us can limit the joy we can know from “Christ in you, your hope of glory”.

Are you not feeling the joy? Are life situations and people and circumstances telling you a different story than the story of JOY? When we choose to focus on, and take our signals from, the outer worldly conditions and circumstances, we might see little joy and feel no joy at all. We chalk it up to “that’s life” or “nobody cares” or “I’ll never be anything” or “nobody loves me”. We feel depressed, angry, unwanted, unworthy. We let the outer determine the inner and joy is snuffed out from the layers we put on our heart. Heaven and nature are singing all around us but we can’t hear one single note…our heart is crusted over from the lies we are telling to it.

The promise of this season of joy (which I recommend be a constant season in your heart) is that there will be singing and joy and celebrating from every heart…read FROM every heart. We can’t depend on anything outside of us to bring us joy. We can only let it loose from our being. Open a small crack or enlarge the one you have started in your heart…know that you are an amazing being…that you are here for a very special purpose that only you can fulfill…bring joy into all the moments of your life by claiming it…say to yourself  “Joy is my nature and I give it freely to the world!” Look around and endeavor to see heaven and nature singing…not for you, but because of you!

Much, much joy



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