Just a Reminder…Again

I posted this last year. Here it is again. It’s a reminder.

The holiday season is about to begin. Some of us slather on a whole additional layer of “things I have to get done”. We have an entirely different list of “boxes I need to check”. Maybe we’re excited. Maybe we’re exhausted just thinking about it.

Wherever you fall, this is a reminder to check in with yourself. Whatever you do, do it consciously and do it because it feels good. Don’t let others steal your joy or your peace.

And don’t try to steal another’s joy or peace by assuming what makes you feel good also applies to them. You really have no idea.

In the season of love, how about we just be kind. Kindness includes accepting myself and others exactly the way we are. In simple terms, it is walking to the beat of my own drum and allowing others to do the same. Gently. Without judgment.

This is just a reminder. A reminder I need…every year.
With great humility

One Response

  1. Thanks Paula, great advice.
    This year, love, gratitude, kindness,
    Understanding. grateful, and it’s
    all free, but worth a million. ❤️❤️👌


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