Sometimes I feel like I need to be somewhere else. I am not at all comfortable with where I am or what I am doing or how I feel. I just want something different…I need a change. So what is this about…this internal discomfort?
I heard Jean Houston on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday this morning and she was talking about our life work…about how we intuitively know the gift that we are. And she said that if we resist or ignore this calling we can feel dead inside. Or maybe we can feel an overall discomfort with life. If we feel this way, what is ours to do?
Certainly we can wallow in the dead-ness and discomfort…that is one option. This makes for a pretty miserable life…one most likely filled with dis-ease, doubt and a feeling of hopelessness. Or we could choose to stop resisting and take just one step toward our calling…one step. How about a step that doesn’t require any money or time or travel? How about a step that is 100% in your control? It is not a step about reading a book or taking a class or workshop. You don’t have to go to a church, synagogue or ashram. This step is all about you.
BELIEVE. That’s it! BELIEVE. Believe that it’s possible to live your calling. Regardless of any outer circumstance in your life right now, believe that there is a possibility that includes your dream, your calling, you as a gift to the world. Don’t just kind of believe it, believe it with all of your heart…see it before you…know it. Feel what it feels like to live it.
Take some time today, tomorrow and the next day to believe…to believe in a greater possibility for your life. Take one step toward your calling. BELIEVE! The world is waiting.
2 Responses
You watched Super Soul Sunday!! And blogged about it!! It’s two of my favorite things together in one. Serendipity!
Thanks Stephanie…you inspire me!