Patience. “I wish I had more patience” we say…usually to ourselves when we remember that all too familiar tension that rose up in our body…just about the time something less than kind escaped our lips and fell from our mouth. I wish I had more patience!!!

According to a definition of patience is this: an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay. And herein lies the roadblock. Suppressing anything will only give temporary relief. Release is really what we need.
So how do we release our restlessness and annoyance in those times and with those people who we might refer to as “getting on our last nerve”?
I think very simply we release by deciding to wait. Give it some space. Resist the urge to jump. Make a conscious decision to wait a little while. To see what might happen. To notice what might appear. How about breathe into the moment? Check in with yourself.
Deciding to wait is different than suppressing feelings. Deciding to wait opens you up to the moment and maybe a wider view of what is really happening. Deciding puts you in the driver seat, as in…well, I am just going to see how this plays out or let me settle in with this cup of coffee and a good book or hmmm that’s interesting or simply breathe Paula, breathe!
It may look like you are suppressing restlessness and annoyance. But now you know better. You are deciding to just wait a while. No patience required…just a decision to wait.
Time to practice!
2 Responses
Stopped asking or seeking patience a long time ago as I discovered that God has a wonderful sense of humor and would offer up opportunities to demonstrate that I didn’t have any patience. Now I ask for understanding and that seems to work .u h better for me.
Great topic! Excellent explanation & reminder of how to handle it….