Lessons from Cats

I was sitting in my chair early one morning this week, reading from The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo, preparing for the day. Just these few moments of stillness really help set the tone for my day. Sit, breathe, be still.

And then my sweet Buddha begins his cries. Down the hallway, in and out of my office, pawing me to let him sit in my lap. Crying and crying. I was ignoring him and he didn’t like it. Me, I just wanted my quiet time.

Finally, worn out from his cries and realizing I wasn’t getting the stillness I craved, I let him jump into my lap where he easily settled into a quiet sleep…content and comfortable. We both got what we wanted and I learned another life lesson.

When people are crying out for love we just need to stop what we’re doing…in all of our righteous busyness…and love them. How much more simple could it be?

Much love

2 thoughts on “Lessons from Cats

  1. diane

    Thank you.
    It really is that simple! I had the same experience this week with my dogs, I gave in, they settled and we were all were content?



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