Let It Be

It is amazing how quickly frustration seeps in when I don’t understand something. How could this be happening?! I don’t understand! It’s supposed to work! I was feeling this way today when I couldn’t access the Spiritual Soul Center website. I contacted our host, got the directions and it still didn’t work for me. I tried many times, getting more frustrated each time. Why isn’t this working?!

Does this sound familiar to you? I felt myself descending into hell. Until I caught myself. Really, Paula…is this where you want to go? I set it aside and worked on something else. That simple. I stopped wrestling and set it aside.

I remembered…if you want to live freely, with a light heart and a joyfulness in your step…the answer many times is this: let-it-be. Let-it-be might mean sit for a while, walk away from it, stop wrestling, be still, chose a different story.

When I find myself in time of trouble Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Remember this? From Lennon and McCartney? We gotta learn to let it be…accept that we are not in charge of anything. There is precious little in our control. Here are a few that come to mind.

Other people…no. What they say, do or believe…no. Who shows up…no. How they show up…no. How tall you are, the color of your hair, the size of your feet…no. The date of your death…ah, no. Logging onto a website using two factor authentication…well, for me that’s a no. This list could go on and on, but you get the point. We are in charge of next to nothing in the physical world. The good news…I can decide to let it be. I can choose let-it-be. I can control that. Letting it be is a great gift. In those moments of surrender, God is.

All is well, peace be still, let it be. Amen.

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