Let it Go

Why is it so hard to let go? I mean some of the stuff we hold on to is simply not good for us. Some of the physical stuff clutters up our life and makes it hard to move around. Some of the emotional stuff feels heavy, painful and restrictive. It makes us sad or angry. But we hold on nonetheless. ‘I just can’t let it go’, we tell ourselves.

Why not? Why can’t we let go of the things that make us uncomfortable? It’s a good question, right?

I think we have more practice holding on because somehow, it is what’s familiar. We have more practice holding on because we make up a story about what it means if we let it go. And that story is about giving up, giving in, losing something or making someone else’s horrible behavior okay. We’ve practiced holding on for dear life because that’s what it feels like…holding on to the last thing that makes us feel whole.

Holding on is not what makes us feel whole. I am convinced we can feel whole by letting go. Because letting go opens up enough space inside of us so we can know who we truly are. It opens enough space in us so that we actually feel the Divine nature that we are. The nature of us as peace, ease, kindness and love.

To get there we just have to practice letting things go. Don’t start with the biggest thing in your life. Start small and work your way up. Feel the freedom in letting go. Feel the lightness. The more you practice the easier it becomes.

Me, I’m still practicing.

One Response

  1. I feel somehow what we are reluctant to let go of is that which has attached itself to our identity. And the longer that attachment endures the more firm the hold. Take a well respected artist who hordes their work rather than try to sell it. Why does she do that? My guess for fear that if no one buys, their identity is damaged. The risk is too great. I agree the person should start with baby steps and advance the cause as best they can with peace and ease. Cliff


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