Let Nature Do Its Thing

I read a news story about the Sycamore Gap tree in England that was cut down in an act of vandalism. It was a magical spot alongside Hadrian’s Wall and one that attracted many visitors. Now the tree is gone. There is a great effort to reseed a new tree from cuttings and seeds. And there is even a hope that the trunk will sprout new growth. These are two quotes from the story.

“Over the next year, we’ll be doing all we can to nurture the seeds and cuttings, in the hope that some will grow into strong, sturdy saplings providing a new future for this much-loved tree.”…”As with many things in landscape restoration, we need to be patient and take the time to let nature do its thing.” 

It is quite a useful metaphor for how we might treat each other when we feel broken or destroyed…for when suddenly something big and beautiful is missing from our life. This story suggests that we nurture each other. It counsels us to be hopeful and patient. As with many difficulties in life, we are wise to let nature do its thing.

With great love

2 Responses

  1. Love metaphors. The tree and all trees have the same source, the earth. Just like waves, they do not actually die. They are the ocean. Also, my intuition tells me the squirrels are nearby to promptly spread the seeds.


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