“…Even though a person may maintain a positive attitude, it will never bear all the fruit of a successful life if the self-image is in contradiction to it.” Dr. Paul Leon Masters
What image do you have of your own self? Not something we think about often…maybe. If we took a minute to examine how we feel about ourselves we might notice that we begin to compare our life and ourself to others…how smart, pretty, old we are…how much money we have, the size of our house and where it is located, how much stuff we have accumulated…how much we have accomplished or have yet to accomplish, where we attended school, what job we have…how much we give, who we know, or what others think about us. Our measure of success and self-image is rooted in outward appearance and the conditioning of our mind to accept worldly success as the measure of our personal self-worth.
Many teachers and authors have given us the much-needed and very important practice of shifting our thinking through the use of affirmations. Affirmations help us to maintain a positive attitude. They help us pull ourselves out of a rut and into a more positive state of mind. You may have used affirmations like…
with God all things are possible or love is all there is or simply all is well…
to shift into a new pattern of thinking.
But shifting our thinking and attitude into positivity mode about outward conditions and circumstances is not enough. We must also realize and claim the Truth of our own being. We can think positive thoughts all day long about love, peace, health, prosperity, forgiveness, strength, courage, right decisions, overcoming, healing…but if we do not believe in our own worthiness to accept these, we fall short in our life experience of them.
What do you believe you are…deep down inside? Could you believe in your own Divine Nature? Are you willing to cultivate a deep knowing that you are, right now, Goodness and Beauty and Love itself?
Don’t look to the world…look in the mirror…deep into your eyes. What do you see?
Much love
One Response
Thank you, dear friend.