I have noticed that we humans are gatherers of things…physically, mentally and emotionally. We gather knowledge from books, classes and workshops. We gather ideas. We gather relationships. We gather art, books and antiques to decorate our homes. We gather inside of us, in our conscious and subconscious mind, stories about life…about how it works and how it doesn’t work.
We are gatherers and we are quite good at it. But I have also noticed that gathering things to ourselves does not always result in a happy, fulfilled and peaceful life. It seems that the more we get, the more we want…or it never seems to be enough…or it never seems good enough. Bottom line is we don’t feel good about it. I think it is because we are attached to our gatherings. After we gather things or relationships, we then become afraid of losing what we have…so we try to hold on. After we gather knowledge, we are afraid that there will always be more to learn, a better book to read, a more enlightened teacher to study…so we are constantly seeking. After we gather into our mind the ideas about life, we feel stuck with them…so we become discouraged, resigned, sad.
Gathering, however, is not the problem…it is our attachment to what we have accumulated that is causing our discomfort. It is the fear of the loss of what we have, or the not enough-ness or stuck-ness we feel, that stresses us out. There is a great practice which is the key to a happy, fulfilling and peaceful life. It is simply letting go!
Loosen your grip! Enjoy the gathering and let go of the fear. Release some of what you have gathered…that is good practice, too! Notice an idea that you have gathered along the way that no longer serves you…and let it go…completely. Honor the gathering in and letting go cycle that is life…and practice not being attached to any of it.
Use this simple ancient Tibetan Buddhist Blessing: May I be filled with loving-kindness, may I be well, may I be peaceful and at ease, may I be happy.
Repeat it often.
Much love