Lost Time

I am sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘making up for lost time’. We use it when it feels like we lost time because we didn’t like the experience and wanted to be somewhere else, doing something else, maybe with someone else.  I think what we mean is that we want to cram all the stuff into life NOW that we couldn’t do THEN, and that this will somehow make up for lost time.

The feeling of ‘lost time’ happens when we are in pain or sick or caring for someone who needs constant attention. We think…I’ll have my life back when this is over. Then I’ll make up for this lost time.

None of this makes any sense, does it? There is no making up for lost time. By definition, that time is gone. There is no recovering time. When we wait to be somewhere other than where we are…the loss is not time. The loss is the moment. It is the loss of the experience of the moment, and that can’t be recovered either.

This all reminds me to live all-that-life-is no matter what it is. Stop waiting for anything else. Stop waiting until. Live all the moments. There will be no ‘making up’ any of it. Life is much too extraordinary to relegate to a waitlist.

And when those moments are difficult, please remember you don’t have to suffer alone. Live your best life by staying connected, asking for what you need, and making it a practice to always look for the good.



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