Never assume quiet is weak and loud is strong. I read that somewhere.

Sometimes we assume loud ones are important because they are heard by so many. They have a platform…and we give them power and importance because of that. Sometimes we cower from the loud ones. Or maybe we run from them. We can’t think because of all the noise they bring.
Loud is just loud…it is an auditory level. Beyond that, we make it mean what we make it mean. Shouting louder, believing you are being heard and better understood, is not always how loudness works. A certain loudness might attract attention…but it doesn’t always get you what you want.
Sometimes we overlook the quiet ones. We assume they have nothing worthwhile to offer. If they had an idea, an opinion, a solution, they would speak up. Sometimes we walk away from the quiet ones, maybe because we don’t really know how to include them. And it’s time to move on.
Quiet is just quiet. Beyond that, we make it mean what we make it mean. It is not a lack of wisdom or creativity. It’s just quiet. Quiet doesn’t always get you what you want either…sometimes it’s a good idea to speak up.
There is loud and there is quiet. That’s it. The best place for me to be in all of it: aware and curious.
Much love