Love is Why We’re Here

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity”.      Jeremiah 29:11-14

How can this be? What about the plans for those who died in Connecticut…or who die everyday at the hands of violence? Are these the plans that the Lord had for them?

This may be a too simplistic interpretation of this scripture and one that paints the picture of Lord as one who has predetermined our fate…some fates too cruel to accept as coming from a loving God. I think this scripture first calls us to understand what we believe about God. I don’t believe there is a God somewhere orchestrating the happenings on this earth according to how good we are…or how bad we are. My belief is that God is the one and only Source in all the universe…that God is not loving, but God is love…that God is not powerful, but is power…that God is not all-knowing, but is wisdom itself. This One Source is ever-present and unlimited…and works through us according to our ability to open a clear path in our consciousness.

If this is my idea about God…then what about this scripture? What can it mean in my life today? Verse 11 of this scripture is telling us that ‘the plan’ is for us to prosper. Prosper to me is not just having money…but to prosper means to be successful, to know happiness and joy, to live a meaningful life, to contribute to the world, to be well, to experience peace, to know God…and to be this way regardless of the outer conditions in my life.

Verses 12 and 13 tell us how to get to this place of prosperity…by being still, by getting out of our head and into our heart. How do you do this? When you pray do you have an attitude of victim…or do you pray from the awareness of the unlimited potential that is God? Aligning ourselves with the love and power and wisdom that is God ever-present around us allows us to experience being brought out of captivity…the captivity of a consciousness that keeps us in fear, worry and pain.

This scripture is not about God making something awful happen because that was the plan! It is about the comfort that awaits us when we drop from our head…and trying to explain the why of difficult circumstances and events…into our heart to feel the love that is God in us. It is the possibility of being relieved of our burden and to prosper.

We can bring love more fully into the world by demonstrating love, compassion and courage. Feel this in yourself and see this in others…especially those who are feeling no hope and no future…those who are torn apart with grief and those who would take the lives of the innocent. They all need our love. This one thing…love…will change the world.

Much, much love




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