Love Lives

Life is hard because we resist. We want something else. We don’t like it…not one bit. We don’t like what it means. We’re afraid of what might happen. We can’t fix it. It shouldn’t be this way. No one should have to endure this.

It’s hard not to resist when we feel uncomfortable and hurt. Sometimes life is tragic, physically and emotionally devastating. How could I possibly accept THIS?

When life is hard, I think the thing we want most of all is peace in mind and heart. To have some ease in the tension. A release of the burden. Respite. We all know we can’t change what is. But, damn it, can’t we just have a little bit of lightness? A breath of sweetness? A tender moment of grace?

My answer is yes, I think it’s possible. In the quiet stillness of another sunrise or with people who care for us or when we dare reach for help and are met with open arms…there in the midst is the ease we thought we’d never know. It feels like God Itself has sent a personal message. Love lives.

Love lives.


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