“Any experience that has not been lived will hang around you…will persist…(saying) finish me, live me, complete me.” Osho
What does it mean to live, to live an experience? To me it means to get every drop of life out of it. To roll in it, submerge yourself in it, to be utterly immersed in it. It means to come to it wide open and vulnerable to what it has to offer. Let me have it all…every exquisite morsel of it. Let my whole being pulse with it…this life. This is life living you! Life living me!
To let life live you is to risk everything…your entire being. It is to risk condemnation and personal greatness…to risk ridicule and deep peace…to risk knowing yourself deeply and loving unconditionally. Letting life live you is to be present and aware in each moment, in each breath and to be in awe and wonder at it all.
To let life live you is to leave this earth with no regrets. To shout out in every experience…make me whole!!
Start today with what you are experiencing…right now. It doesn’t matter if you label the experience good or bad…live it…consciously. Allow it to live you. Stay awake and alert.
Risk everything to get even a glimpse of what you truly are.
All is well