I was looking at pictures online of outer space…of galaxies and stars and planets many, many light years away from Earth. The descriptions explain what is happening in the photos…a star disintegrating, a solar system forming, and the sun exploding. The colors are brilliant and the scale is hard to put in perspective. If ever there were evidence of an intelligent and powerful Creator…for me this is it. Creation is taking place…stars being born, galaxies expanding, fields of energy swirling…emerging from the field of infinite possibilities…God.
Way back here on Earth we forget that this is how life works…from the field of infinite possibilities life emerges. We come into the world an infant that knows no boundaries. We let ourselves be shaped and formed by outer conditions and develop a set of beliefs based on what we think we see, who likes us, how successful we are, how we are treated by ‘the world’, how hard or easy life is….and on and on. We are so certain that life is the outer condition and that we really have no control over how it all plays out.
What if for a moment you could believe that all of the power and intelligence in the universe was available to you at this very moment? What if this intelligence and power was saying YES to whatever you desire? Can you imagine the swirling energy in the universe wanting to emerge through you…to create the life of your dreams?
If this energy, power, intelligence, God is creating unimaginable beauty and wonder light years away…why not here, now, for you?
Just thinking…