Why do we think others will change just because we are living with COVID-19? I mean really?! All of the comments and complaints from not wearing masks to a government take-over of our civil rights. Complaining and blaming. Outrage and judgment. Well, just take a look in the mirror folks. Have you changed? With all of the calls to be more kind…have you become more kind?
We love to copy and share the quote about hate never driving out hate, only love being able to do that. We look at others and in our mind and with our words we accuse them of hate when it is exactly hate that is rising up in us. Please take another look in the mirror.

Sally Kohn, in her book The Opposite of Hate says this: “The opposite of hate is understanding.” Understanding is not agreeing. Understanding is what rises out of compassion. We need to put aside our ugly self-righteousness. It makes us small and it hides our beauty. We need to wear compassion…proudly and with great humility. We should endeavor to listen to understand. We should practice kindness no matter what.
So decide what you stand for and practice that as often as you can. Resist the temptation to set the world right. You have no power to do that. Your power is in loving and caring, compassion and understanding, and living from your heart. These have done more to bring peace and ease to humanity than anything else. If you believe it, live it. If you are uncertain how that looks…sit a while. Ask the Universe for some guidance. Listen. Go from there.
I have failed many times to be kind and compassionate. My guess is so have you. But I have not failed at the practice. I recognize my shortfall, I make an adjustment and I start again. Will you join me?
With humility
One Response
Thank you. Such a good reminder.