More, More, More

For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. Matthew 13:12

There is a lot of printed word about prosperity…what it is and how you can attract it. Sometimes it seems there is an obsession with prosperity…wanting more, getting more, and having more…as if whoever has the most at the finish line wins!

It doesn’t quite work that way. We have the wrong definition of prosperity…and that is where the trouble begins. Take a look at the scripture verse above. Most would take this to mean that those with money will get more money and those with little or none will lose even what they have. Does that make any sense? Of course it doesn’t. Prosperity does not equal money. This scripture doesn’t even mention money.

Let’s take a different look. What if prosperity is much more than money or an accumulation of things? What if prosperity is really peace of mind, living free from judgment, and being comfortable in your own skin? What if prosperity is the feeling you have when you offer loving-kindness and when you receive appreciation? What if prosperity is recognizing the good in your life instead of complaining about what is lacking?

The scripture above makes a lot more sense in this way: When we have peace of mind and live free from judgment…well, more of that will be experienced and it will grow in our life. When we practice loving-kindness…that will grow in abundance in our life. When we recognize the good that exists right now…then more good will grow. But when we cannot shift from our stinkin’ thinkin’, when we choose to live in the ‘woe is me’ place, when we refuse to see the good, be it ever so small at the time…then we put ourself in the poorhouse…the poorhouse of our own mind.

We live in an opulent universe filled with infinite possibilities. The challenge is to claim what already exists. Begin this week by looking for the good. Then appreciate it and look for more. Let nothing dissuade you from looking for the good. For having looked and found the good, more will be given and you will have an abundance!

Much love




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