What do you believe? Does your life match what you say you believe? In other words, do you act according to your beliefs?
Sometimes there is a disconnect between what we say we believe and how we act. Part of it is because we don’t perfectly execute our beliefs. We are a work in progress so we don’t always get it right…and that’s okay. We know something we did or said didn’t align with our belief. We commit to doing better. That’s the way we grow.
At other times the disconnect is more startling. For instance, I say I believe in less judgment and more acceptance. The way that looks in my life is…humble. It is the practice of humility. It’s easy for me to accept things and people I agree with. I can even accept the consequences of my poor choices. I can feel humble in this part of my life.
But I fall hard into judgment about people who hurt other people, people who seem to care only about themselves, people who talk a lot and rarely listen, people who take advantage of other’s weaknesses…even people who don’t drive like I drive. I don’t act with humility in these cases. Not often enough.
So, this is a reminder to check in with yourself. Check to see if what you say you believe, is the way you live in the world. And if you’re not quite there…practice.
Practicing still