So, I have been pondering this…how often I let things get stuck in me. You know, life stuff. Instead of allowing experiences to flow through me, they get stuck in me. I know this from the way I feel. Instead of having the experience, I judge it, resist it, try to change it, get mad about it, make it mean something is wrong with me. Then I sit and wallow in it. Feels…yucky.
But what if I could learn to let it move through me? Have my moment and let it move. Not let that experience set up shop in me. It reminds me of the commercial for Mucinex…not letting mucus make a home in me. Remember this?

This is how it might work. I feel disappointment, I feel exhaustion, I feel anxiety…and then I let it move. Of course, it doesn’t just happen…just like it takes a while for the mucus to release. But in the meantime, I can know it is possible for this feeling to flow through me. This feeling is not who I am, it is the way I feel…at the moment. I can let it pass.
Awareness is the first and critical step…become aware of the feeling as an observer. Then self reflection…where is this coming from? And maybe then…am I willing to let it move through me?
It is work for sure…but it gets me closer to where I want to be. Peaceful and at ease.
Practice, practice, practice.
One Response
Thanks Paula, great message for me to
hear. We have a lot going on here, I’m
holding on to stuff I have no control
over right now. Have to ease it through
and let it flow.
One day at a time! ❤️🥰