Moving Mountains

You have been a long time in the making. Think about that for a moment. Your entire life is culminated in now. All of your experiences, choices, relationships, beliefs, efforts, successes and failures…all of it has shaped you. You might notice that living takes time…the evolution of a life takes time.

I think that evolution comes out of moments of awareness. The question is…what will I do with my awareness? Rant, resist, complain?  Look for someone to blame? Those are too easy – they take minimal effort. What if I use my awareness to become curious, inspired, trusting? What if I look inward?

Jesus said we could move mountains…but he didn’t say how long it would take…just that we could do it. I used to picture that mountain disappearing in an instant and appearing in a different place in the next instant. Now I picture myself with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. He also said anything is possible to those who believe in possibility. He didn’t say how soon the new possibility would show up. I used to focus on making things happen in my life according to my personal time table. Now I trust in the Infinite Intelligence in the Universe and that is enough.

The evolution of a life takes time. Awareness opens up possibility. There is still work to do. On my best days I am happy to push that wheelbarrow.

Much love.

3 thoughts on “Moving Mountains

  1. Cheryl Livingston

    I like this perspective and I’m learning to appreciate the days when the wheel barrel rolls easier.
    Thanks, Paula.


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