Life is such a mystery, isn’t it? Things happen in our life that have no reasonable explanation. People show up and move on. Sometimes we get sick and other times we are in peak health. Our job is humming along on all cylinders and then things seem to crash all around us. Some people seem to struggle mightily while others seem to cruise through life with no more than a bruise. Much of life is a mystery. Can we just agree on that?
I think we shouldn’t expect to understand the mystery of life. Neither should we be discouraged by it. We can decide to ride with it, to be in it and to be wide awake. And remember that we are all in it together.
At the same time, each life is unique. The tapestries we weave have their own brilliance and nuance. No other being can possibly know what it’s like to be you. No one has lived your life, been in your skin, walked your path. No one else has any idea of what you are going through, really. How could they?

And yet we want them to understand. We want others to listen and hear us and understand a mystery we might not even comprehend for ourselves. We want them to intimately know our pain and struggle and what it feels like to be us. How crazy is that? We are wise to stop expecting others to understand…and to be satisfied to live in the mystery that is our own unique life.
Much love
2 Responses
Dear Paula,
Listening to beautiful hangpan music just now and reading your message.
Your words are flowing through me and resonating and deepening as
they merge with the music and it all becomes a meditation, weaving into
the tapestry that is both mine and All.
Always, with thanks and love…
Beautiful post, I agree! Thanks for the reminder.