
How exquisitely insignificant we are. We can feel it in wide open spaces and mountaintop views and the vastness of space. How exquisitely divine and essential at the same time. I am convinced this is the mystery of life.

To be insignificant is not a judgment, it is simply what it is to exist as a human….to notice that we are one among many, a small vibration in a huge universe. To be essential is not a judgment either. We are essential because we are spiritual in nature and part of the whole of creation. There cannot be wholeness without us.

Feeling insignificant without claiming our essential nature as part of the whole can lead toward depression or indifference or powerlessness. Feeling self important without recognizing the sameness of our human existence can lead to righteous superiority and narcissism. Rather, the ideas of being insignificant in our human existence and essential as spiritual beings leads towards humility and wholeness and finding our place in the world.

This is a great mystery to me…to be human and divine…to have this body and to be a soul at the same time…to be insignificant and essential. For me it is a call to practice humility and to sit in prayer more often. I can’t really say more than that right now.

Feeling in awe at this moment,

One thought on “Mystery

  1. Liz Freeman

    Thank you, Paula…can’t believe how ‘on target’ this post feels. It is truly what I’ve been ruminating about over last few days since my disappointment & depression about my housing situation. I’ve allowed myself to fall into feelings of guilt, fear, self-incrimination….. but my awareness of both myself & the human race in the universe helps bring me around. Your words & thoughts express it so beautifully for me. Thank you. Liz


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