Pause a moment to remember.
I can only speak as one who did not experience personal loss. I did not know anyone who lost their life that day. Still, it was an incredible and painful time to be an American. It was, for a while, as if time was standing still and at the same time there was a palpable shift in energy. Life…was different. Life…would not be the same.
So I am thinking today…is life different? Or more accurately…did I make my life different? Did I use this nine eleven experience as an impetus for change in me…so that my life would never be the same? You see that is what we have control over…our own thoughts, actions and choices. Have I become numb to hatred, greed and destruction? Or have I decided to step up my own game.
Have I made the choice to take three great risks:
to love unconditionally,
to live fully and fearlessly and
to let go of what no longer serves my best and highest good?
My nine eleven experience was a call to do exactly this. I’m working on it.
What call did you receive?
In loving memory of all who died in this attack on 09.11.01.
Much love