If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. Robert Fritz, composer, filmmaker, writer.
A dear friend sent this quote to me. Today I was thinking about it. I was thinking about how often I limit myself by what I deem to be possible at the moment. If you have been reading my blog for even a short time, you may have noticed that I talk about possibilities…and not just possibilities but unlimited possibilities. So why do I limit myself by what I think is possible at this moment? If this sounds familiar to you, take a moment and check this.
Check your language. How often have you either said out loud or to yourself: That will never work…I don’t see how that could ever happen…No way!…That’s just too big of a dream…I just can’t think about it right now…Is this really for me?
Check your energy. Are you too comfortable…do you ignore the urge inside that wants you to make a change…do you feel lost…do you know intuitively that there is something better but can’t find the motivation to uncover it?
Check your belief. Do you think compromise is good enough…that it’s as good as it gets? Do you think you really don’t deserve to have/do/be great things…according to your desire? Do you believe that what you have to offer isn’t worth much?
We can open ourselves up to possibilities by making a few shifts in our language…like…What if this could work? What would it look like?
We can open ourselves up to possibilities by noticing the energy that comes up from inside and by deciding to shift into…What if I felt empowered, what would I choose then?
We can open ourselves up to possibilities by believing something greater…What if I was born for this?
What if…
Much love
2 Responses
I sometimes think about how easy it is to hold the thought of unlimited possibilities when you are supporting your best friend. I want to make more progress on being my own best friend and knowing the unlimited possibilities are always available for me too.
Hey Cynthia…YES!!!