So this happened today. I had a massage scheduled for the afternoon. I was looking forward to it…a Christmas gift from a dear one, that I am just now using. It was downtown on Front Street, so I left a little early not knowing how difficult it would be to find street parking. As it worked out, I found a spot directly in front of the entrance. How nice, I thought. That was easy.
I loaded the meter with coins to the maximum hours…two…and made my way to the second floor of suites. I had a pleasant conversation with a woman who rode the elevator with me, found my destination and settled in the waiting area as there was another client with the massage therapist. All felt really right with the world. I was happy and at ease in that moment.
I was there just a few minutes, not even enough time to check my email, when the client and therapist exited the suite. She looked at me and sighed painfully. “Did I have an appointment with you?” she asked, knowing already that she had double booked her time. She had an appointment elsewhere and had to be on her way.

She shared her apologies and the somewhat frantic nature of her current life circumstances. I thought to myself, yes, most of us can relate. She wanted to squeeze me in, but I reminded her that this was not an emergency…it had already taken me three months to get it on my calendar. We rescheduled, took a deep breath together and went our separate ways.
I am so happy I didn’t find the need to judge or to blame, to get mad, to hold onto this thing that did not go my way. It’s just what happened. That’s it.
Hopefully, I’ll have my massage next week. I’m pretty sure I’m on her calendar this time!
Much love