Noble Means

You have most certainly heard the phrase: The end does not justify the means. Or maybe this: The end justifies the means. So which is it? Well, you might say, it depends. If the result is for the good of many people, maybe we can live with less than noble means. But, is it only about the end result…or is the means a greater consideration?

I am a true believer in the end not justifying the means. I believe in integrity and honesty. I believe in treating others the way I want to be treated. I believe in compassion. I take seriously the call in John 13: Love one another. These are my ‘means’…this is my foundation.

Sometimes it requires me to forge a new path rather than taking the straightest or easiest road. It requires me to know who I really want to be in this life…how I want to show up. It requires me to not always follow the crowd. It requires that I don’t always put myself first. It requires that I consider the big picture and the longer view. It requires that I stay true to my values…no matter what and no matter who might notice.

Some years ago I stopped to put gas in my car down near Ocean Isle Beach. I put the nozzle in my tank and started to pump gas before realizing that the cost per gallon was $0.28 rather than $2.80. In that moment I had a choice. Get an almost free tank of gas or let the owners know there was a mistake in the setup of the pump. For me, it was an easy choice.

There are other situations and examples that are more complex than this. Some have long term impacts in our own life, our community and indeed the world. I invite you to question your own choices, who you support with your money and time, how you act toward others. Take a moment and understand your own values. Does the end ever justify a less than noble means?

Learning with you.

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