“To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody but yourself – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.” E. E. Cummings
There is no greater advice than to be yourself to the fullest and best that you can. In order to do this, you must be able to accept yourself the way you are…right now. No matter what anyone else thinks or says, you must be able to pause a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself this: What is the best way to be more of who I really want to be? And then proceed from there.
You see, the fight Cummings is talking about is the struggle within your own mind. Your mind is a powerful thing. It can convince you beyond a doubt of really crazy stuff, with little or no evidence to support its conclusions. You can let it go off on a tangent until you have no idea what you really want, or what the best solution or decision is for your own well being and growth.
Be silly, be wise, be compassionate, be creative. Dance, sing, play, love, pray, run, study, travel, give, move, work, create, write. Feel inspired, happy, content, compelled, serious, playful. Be all you can be…be nobody but yourself.
You came here at this time to be all that you can be in your own unique and powerful way. Nobody else on this earth can do and be what you are here to do and be. Believe it…and never stop believing it!
Much love always