
What’s really important to you…beyond the one word answers that would show up on just about every list? Think about it for a minute. What about life is supremely important? Is it a feeling, an action, an accomplishment, a style, a way of being?

It’s worth taking some time to ponder this question. Because when you are aware of what matters, you are then able to make the best choices that support your own happiness. A conscious awareness might result in shifting your attention, changing a belief, leaving a relationship, relocating to a different town, going back to school, quitting a job, shifting a priority, softening your heart, slowing down, speeding up. I could go on, but you get the picture.

I decided some time ago that my peace was worth so much to me that I wasn’t willing to sacrifice it for anything else. Peace for me is sacrosanct. Non-negotiable. So, if I find myself feeling anxious or frustrated I breathe deeply (as soon as I remember) and remind myself…there is nothing more important than my peace. If I am in a conversation and begin to feel robbed of my peace, I either step away or shift my attention in the moment to my mantra: there is nothing more important than my peace.

I wonder what that ‘thing’ is for you? What you will protect for yourself at all costs? What keeps you happy?

Always practicing

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