Here we are again in November, the end of November, on the eve of Thanksgiving. Some of us are thinking Black Friday Deals, days off from work, grocery shopping for those last few items needed for dinner tomorrow, getting to the airport and through security, finding the least congested route home, getting some extra sleep….and oh yes, some of us are thinking about what we are grateful for in our lives.
For many, the celebration of Thanksgiving means pausing to reflect on life and to become aware of all that is good. It means looking around in the physical world and looking inside our own self to acknowledge and give thanks for all that is good. Most (all) of us could come up with a good, long list. Most (all) of us feel what it feels like to be grateful. Some of us even say out loud what it is that fills us with gratitude.
And then the Thanksgiving meal is over, we’re on to Christmas shopping and traveling back home…and the feeling of gratitude fades. Our focus has shifted to the next ‘thing’. Many of us will return to the pause of gratitude…next year, toward the end of November.
Here’s the thing…gratitude is cultivated year round. It is not dictated by a date on the calendar. In order to cultivate gratitude you must pay attention to your heart all of the time. Because to be grateful is to live engaged in life with a tender heart…a heart that feels the immense power of God in every thing, in every person and in every situation. We cultivate gratitude by keeping our heart open to feeling the gift in all of life. Sometimes it’s very easy, like when you win, attain a goal or when you celebrate with friends. Sometimes it’s harder, like when you are sick, things don’t seem to be going your way or you feel limited.
Notice your heart. It is your guide to living gratitude.
Much love