
I feel overwhelmed this week and it’s only Monday morning. I look at my calendar and see precious little blank space. My “To Do” lists…yes, I have two…feel daunting. Plus, I’ll be away next week in Pennsylvania visiting my mom for her 85th birthday. That makes this week feel all the more cramped.

These are exactly the times when I need an extra pause…and to remind myself to stay in the present moment. Everything on that calendar and in the list will take place in a present moment…if it takes place. Whatever will happen, will happen…and it will happen in the now. All of it.

So, my work, our work, is to disengage from all that is not now. The mind thinks that is just crazy. What? Forget what has happened and don’t think about what might happen? Well, yes, kind of. That is the pathway to now. It is the practice of being present.

And the result of that is really what I’m looking for. I don’t enjoy feeling overwhelmed. I’d rather feel at ease and be fully engaged in the task at hand. There is something wonderfully fulfilling about that. Just to be where you are with mindful attention.

The lists are still there, the calendar page is full and I’m right here…writing to remind myself of how cool it is to have my whole self present to this creation. Cool indeed!


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