Nurture Your Heart

There is a lot of fear in the world right now. Some might describe the world as frightening. What is your word for how things are? And what will you do with that? More importantly…how will you be? In the midst of everything, how will you decide to be in life?

Your being-ness makes all the difference. What you do is secondary to how you are. Because your true power is not in doing-ness, but in being-ness. You are a spiritual being first, and second is the expression that you are in human form. Not separate, like soul and then body, but in order of existence.

Being-ness emanates from the heart. So, it is important to take care of your heart, keep it strong and supple…ready for anything. How?

In Glenda Green’s book, Love Without End, Jesus Speaks, Jesus provides the answer to how to nurture your heart. He told her that we strengthen the positive impulses of the heart through admiration, gratitude, forgiveness and innocent perception. On a daily basis we can nurture our heart by being in awe, feeling appreciation, releasing what is no longer useful and receiving the world as it is.

Pause and consider…how will I nurture my heart today?

With great love

3 thoughts on “Nurture Your Heart

  1. Cliff Birtwistle

    I feel I can see more clearly these days. In large part, thanks to Paula. My approach to this issue is to pause my knee-jerk response to what the Universe (present affairs) delivers on my welcome mat and observe my response choices considering input from mind and heart. I try to suspend responding automatically to the duality of good vs. bad. How powerful learning to pause can be. I remember in my earlier Human Resource days when questionning an applicant to ask an open-ended question and then pause (however long it took) to solicit a response. Here I am years later doing that on myself. Slow learner?


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