One Question

Welcome to 2024. You made it. So, now what?

At the beginning of a new year, it is natural to imagine what might happen, what might change, how this year might be different. Some people make new commitments and set goals. Others kind of slink into the year unsure of, well, anything. Some are exhausted or overwhelmed. Some of us are happy with the way things are, so we’re all set. As with any other time of the year, there is a wide range of how we each feel about moving into tomorrow.

No matter where you are or what you are feeling…please be kind. Be kind to others and to yourself. It seems at first to be such a small thing, and one well documented in a myriad of facebook posts that we scroll by and greeting cards that we put in the recycle bin. But what if we actually committed to this one small thing? What if we often asked ourselves…how could I be more kind?

When our self-talk is negative, when we read the headline news, when we share our feelings, when we learn about tragedy and suffering, when we look in the mirror, when we see a need, when we listen to the ‘other side’. How could we be more kind?

I met this week with a woman whose husband passed the day after Christmas. She was talking about his kindness and seemingly endless effort to help anyone in need. As she remembered this, the thought came to her…I need to have a t-shirt with “What Would Love Do?” printed on the front. That’s the way he lived…always responding to this question…what would love do?

So, now what? Your choice. How could I be more kind? Or…what would love do?

With great hope


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