We need to be done…just done with it. Enough talk about bans on assault rifles and bans on Muslims in the US. Enough arguing and bickering and positioning.
We need to be done with our empty ‘thoughts and prayers’ and candlelight vigils. They end much too quickly and they are good only for the way they make us feel…better about our own self.
We need to stop posting rainbow colored, brokenhearted pictures on Facebook…and links to all of the incredibly horrible and heart-wrenching articles. Enough already.
What we really need to do is to start loving. Everyone. Now. We need to sit still long enough to look inside of our own self and weed out all of the hate and the blame and the outrage. Weed it out of your mind and heart. Then get up off the couch and from behind your computer and away from the incessant tapping and scrolling on your phone and step out into this world and look at people…treat everyone you see with love and respect…especially those who are different than you, those with whom you disagree, those who seem the most difficult to love.
Everyday. Love. Everyday ask yourself…what would love do? In every situation, with every person ask…what would love do? And then do that. Do your absolute best.
Many great teachers have tried to tell us that hate is not dissolved with more hate and violence is not eliminated by perpetrating more violence. It just doesn’t work that way. The only way out of where we find ourselves in this world now is to choose love…to act with love, to speak with love, to write on social media with love, to project love in everything we do.
Not enough of us live with love as our guide. We would much rather judge, blame, condemn and yes, hate others. Is it time for you to make the effort to love…no matter what?
Love will be the way we heal and the way we change the world. This has been true from the beginning of time. Hal David penned this popular song in 1965, music by Burt Bacharach and sung by Jackie DeShannon.
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone.
It is still true today.
With a tender heart, open to love
2 Responses
I love that!! Beautiful words and the message is right on the mark!!
Thank you for that!!!
So sweet. So true. I needed to read this. Thanks!