Peace and Ease

We get frustrated and judgmental. Most of the time it’s about the little things. We might be totally relaxed, on vacation, having dinner with friends, chilling, hanging, ear-bud-bopping…and then in an instant we have a Jekyll and Hyde reaction to something. Why? How can something go so wrong in the middle of things going right?

You might notice judgment and frustration appear even in the middle of lending a hand or volunteering. What’s that all about? Here you are, trying to serve others, showing up to help…and what crosses your mind? How it’s not very organized, it doesn’t meet your expectation and no one is very appreciative. Really?

Frustration and judgment are both signals…signals to examine your own self. They are signals to answer this question…What about this makes me so crazy? If you can just pause and take a deep breath in those ‘AARRGHH!’ moments and ask this question, you will begin to uncover what you must release in order to feel more peaceful and at ease.

Frustration and judgment OR peace and ease? In EVERY circumstance you have a choice.

  • Stop. Breathe. (This is the biggest step. Really.)
  • Ask the question: What about this makes me crazy? It might be the made up story, the need to be right, the worn out belief, the desire to have it my way, the wish that others would change, shortsightedness, the need for acknowledgement and for others to agree. Something else?
  • Decide it’s not worth holding on to any of it. Let it go. (This might take a few breaths, in and out, in and out.)
  • Peace and ease.

Give it a try.
Choosing peace and ease,

One thought on “Peace and Ease

  1. Johnny Johnson

    Great message to start my day. Thanks for all you do have done and will do to continue that act as a Guiding Light. Love you see you soon


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