Perspective and Attention

Life is tough. Right? I mean…too many commitments and obligations, too much work, kids to take care of, meals to cook, house to clean, budgets to balance and oh by the way…haven’t had a vacation in too many years. And then there is the whole making a living, making a difference and making something happen. Followed by all the things that THEY are doing to make life even harder…from your parents, your boss, to the government and insurance companies, to the DOT paving the road that you use to get to work. Will it ever end?

Well, actually it will end…one day. But we don’t need to wait for the inevitable exit from this world via the pine box or the brass urn. We can end it all…the suffering about life being so tough…right here, right now. Two little things I’ll ask of you. The first is this…tonight, if it’s not raining, go outside, sit in a chair or lay down in the grass and look at the night sky. Get your kids or your husband or wife to go there with you. Think about yourself in the vastness that is creation. What does looking at this amazing and beautiful universe tell you about life? (Note: your kids may have the best understanding.) This is called getting some perspective…or seeing the bigger picture. It helps to bring clarity in mind to our everyday existence…and sets us up for the next step.

Getting a new perspective, taking a deep breath, seeing the bigger picture opens the door to being able to surrender. Not surrender as in give up…but surrender as in to stop thinking you have control over anybody or any thing besides your own mind. Most of our “life is tough” thinking is rooted in us wanting to have control or have it our way. We wake up in the morning thinking about what we’ll need to do to get it right, get it done and get around whatever is in our way. So tomorrow morning, as soon as you wake up, I want you to say this:

This is a new day and the best is yet to come.

Make it the wallpaper on your smart phone, laptop, ipad, kindle or desktop. Say it and mean it….feel that it is true. If you are willing to get a new perspective and direct your attention to the best is yet to come, life will not be tough…it will be amazing. You will live as if all things are possible. Try it.

All is well


One Response

  1. Dear Paula, “This is a new day and the best is yet to come.” I like that & will continue looking for the good in each person & each day. You said it well, as always. Thanks.


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