Power Move

You don’t need to change for anyone. You make a change for you. It’s the only chance you have for lasting change. You decide. You decide because you are dissatisfied with the way things are…because you want to learn and grow…because you want somehow to be better, to feel better, to understand more deeply, to live more freely. You make a change because you want to make a change. You realize the status quo is not acceptable. And, in a power move, you know you have what it takes to make it different.

Isn’t that how it works? You decide it (whatever it is) is no longer acceptable and then you make a move. Maybe your power move is…

  • asking for help
  • stepping way outside of your comfort zone
  • simply showing up
  • admitting you were wrong

These are power moves because they require humility and vulnerability. And that, my friends, takes courage. You have that. You have what it takes. And it’s up to you if you want to change. That’s how it works.

Power movin’


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