There has never been a more important time to give voice to your feelings. This doesn’t mean making someone else understand how you feel. It means to voice your feelings for you…to feel where you are in this big pause we are in. I am inviting you to consciously notice and name your feelings. Not so others understand, but so that you can be your authentic self and recognize what you need and how to accept yourself as you are.
When you are authentic and honest about how you feel, you will know when you need to be alone, ask for help, sit with it for a while, take a walk, hit the pillow, let out a wail, cry, stomp, move, nap or stare into nothing. In other words, you will be brave enough to be vulnerable, admit your struggle and let it out.
When we are brave in this way, we soften. And when we soften, the hard edge of our struggle eases…maybe just a bit. In that one tiny bit of an opening there sits the possibility of peace and grace, there sits the strength you didn’t know you had, there sits the Divine, God Itself ready to comfort and sustain you.
Give voice to how you feel. Say it, write it, name it. Let it out. Accept yourself right there. Notice the softening. Receive the light.

Always with much love
2 Responses
Thank you Paula. I feel the softening.
Blesses to you,
Thank you Paula, you make things so much clearer, God Bless you my friend, I love you dearly🥰